
4 Days Left to Grab Founders!

Discussion in 'Albion Online' started by Daphonic, Jul 6, 2017.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    With the official release of Albion Online around the corner, our Founder program is coming to an end. On July 9th, at 21:00 UTC, the Founder Packs will become unavailable. That means you have only one more week left to purchase a Founder Pack or upgrade your existing one to get your hands on its exclusive goodies such as the Explorer’s mounts, unique avatar rings, equipment, and more!


    The 9th of July does not only mark the end of our Founder program, but it is also the day on which the servers go down in preparation for release on July 17th. The servers will stay down until the 17th – with more information on exact starting times for the different packs following next week. More information on exact opening times of the server will follow next week.

    You, our loyal Founder community, helped us shape Albion through several tests and make it what it is today. To show our gratitude, every Founder will receive an extra 10% Gold on release!

    This bonus Gold of course also applies when upgrading your Founder Pack. On top of that, Legendary Founders will now also receive the Epic Explorer’s Equipment and epic avatar, and silver avatar ring.

    Note: You will not be able to upgrade your Founder Pack after July 9, 21:00 UTC.

    With the new “Claim Rewards”-function, the Founder Pack contents do not automatically get redeemed automatically on the first character you log in, but you can now freely choose when and on which character to redeem it. This also means that if you have multiple packs on your account, you can have multiple characters with the Founder Packs bonuses, such as the premium time, Explorer’s mounts and house.

    Thank you for your relentless support throughout these years! It has been quite a journey, and we could not have done this without you. As July 9 also marks the end of the Albion Beta, expect to hear about some events to celebrate soon!

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