
Aldmarin on the Sky

Discussion in 'Anime and Manga' started by Thronnos, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    *Alderamin*** realized i had the name wrong right as i hit post xD

    started watching this the other day when it popped up in my CR feed. It is actually interesting. it tells a 'fantastical' story of a lazy young man who uses laziness as a science to become the worlds best general (doing this smarter, quicker, safer leads to more time to do nothing). It is a little tongue in cheek, funny with a decent story (cough unlike one piece cough, lol). Serious when it needs to be.
  2. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

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