
All Destiny Raid Groupings

Discussion in 'Destiny - Consoles' started by Thronnos, Apr 17, 2017.

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  1. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    We are starting to reach the number of required members where we can get some regular raid groups going. I need some more information from everyone however in order to ensure this process happens smoothly. -- NOTE -- this is simply a guideline to help people know who is on when they are --

    I need three things from you are

    1 -- PSN/XBL Username
    2 -- Timezome + Schedule/Availablity (Playtimes)
    3 -- for PvP I need the link to your Guardian page on Bungie.net and/or for PvE I need to know the highest/hardest game mode you've completed (i.e. Kings Fall Hard Mode, but never completed Oryx Challenge did other 2)
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  2. Kalubi_1

    Kalubi_1 Member

    I hope you received my request to join the clan.


    Eastern Time Zone
    6-9pm most Weekdays
    9pm - 12am Fri. & Sat.

    I have completed WotM 390 mode challenges several times. I am still learning the other raids. I've completed Crota 390 once (no challenges).
    • Winner Winner x 1
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