I will be putting up the new Ark Server, that I will keep up perm, I want to hear form you guys on what you want on it. Please add Mods in your reply you want to see on Server, and we will have a final vote on Thursday. Server Info (Confirmed) Map: The Center Size: 40 Players PvE Rules White Listed Vanilla Rules Max Difficulty Settings Max Guild Size of 6
these mods look more interesting: the middle ages - getting a big update soon, recomend http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=668239751&searchtext= the center-map ((redone by hand, most favored map, )) - highly recomend http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=614734500&searchtext= stairs mod- looks good to go http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=520879363&searchtext= primitive plus full conversion - nope. dont use this (link redacted) bridge mod - looks good to go http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=558651608&searchtext=
Hey Daph, there is one simple, quality of life mod that I would love to see and that is Increased Stack Size. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=533175507&searchtext=Stacks Or any mod similar to this one.
I have a decent amount of hours on this game (1300+) and I must say that removing the Giganotosaurus from the server entirely should be considered. I am entirely for a PVP server and mods are great but should be kept to a minimal for simplicity. Too many mods will increase the loading time and could even break servers if they are not compatible with each other. As for my opinion on the mods mentioned; I played on a server with the other popular dragon mod and here's what I have to say. If the dragons from both mods are anywhere alike then here are some of the problems. The Dragon mod makes the game kinda unfair because of how overpowered they are. They are stupid fast while flying and have higher damage than a Spinosaurus but lower than a Giga. They can carry close to as much as a Quetzacoatl. Their biggest perk is that they can spit fire while airborne for an infinite amount of time due to air stamina regen which allows them to solo a Giganotosaurus' 130k HP within 30 minutes. I also have to mention that the dragons can swim in and out of the water's surface. I have never experienced the Pimp my Dino or the Super Epic Boat mods but they look really fun. Valetius' recommended stack mod is amazing and should be implemented.