Is there anyone who is in the Alpha? I'm wondering what peoples first impressions are for the game.
Well if that fixes the problems people with older pc's were having maybe I'll have to try it lol
Does anyone know if they optimized the graphics yet for this game so that I don't need a new video card to play lol
I'm really on the fence about this game.....I enjoy hardcore games, but ever since I played Tera I try to stay away from Korean games lol that...
Is it weird that waiting for this movie has left me with an erection?.....a constant unending erection lol
Fantastic Four were always shit anyway lol, I'm waiting for Deadpool! Apparently I can't say Deadpool without it being an emote lol
silly asians
I think the battle of Winterfell was different in the book too....Sansa wasn't even there. I'm not big on books so my buddy fills me in haha
I honestly think Game of Thrones hit it's peak and now it's just on its decline. Especially since HBO is going to take their own direction with...
Me and Zax need to get Ark this the pvp any good? I don't mind all the other stuff but at the end of the day we just like to kill lol
I'm not sure why it made an emote for dead lol
Haha well that's with any show....can't keep the momentum that they build up, look at Walking one point I almost wanted to stop...
Was it as good as some of the previous, was it bad enough to say you wasted 10 hours of your life? Lol I'm sure you probably waste a...