
ARK Server: Fresh Reset and now PvE Only.

Discussion in 'Community News' started by Daphonic, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    The Ark Server is now up. It's a fresh map and now PvE only. Buildings should now auto destroy if players do not log in every 10 days. No PvP Period, and building near caves is blocked.

    The Server name is LethalityGaming.com PvE no password on it. The server has 50 slots, and I can whitelist all Community Members.
  2. JDogg

    JDogg Member

    The server died off before our tribe imploded then the world ended. I've moved over to the reddit server to play at this point. More people playing there and quiet community of regulars.
  3. Dark Exile

    Dark Exile Member

    I just took off, the general lack of making up minds and sticking with it is too annoying, wondering every second day if i am going to need to start on a new server got old.
    Otherwise took a break in general, if anyone finds a stable server with alot of people on it message me on steam if im on your list.

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