
All Charlemagne Discord Bot (DestinyBot) INFO

Discussion in 'Destiny - Consoles' started by Thronnos, May 11, 2017.

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  1. Thronnos

    Thronnos Eru Ilúvatar Elder

    Greetings Guardians!
    We use the Charlemagne Discord Bot to help us display stats and to provide us an automatic leaderboard of sorts.

    The command prefix is d! (lower case d + exclamation point). You can also use a @Charlemagne or @DestinyBot mention as a prefix to any command. Make sure to try the d!dance command for some shenanigans!

    Note: Destiny 1 can still be accessed by adding "d1" before any command.

    1. d!register

    Registering your Bungie.net account with Charlemagne will allow you to issue commands without entering your Destiny profiles each time. It will also add you to our leaderboards and clan rankings. Future features will require verified Destiny accounts.

    Charlemagne (DestinyBot) will Direct Message you a URL to register with. This is unique to each user and should be treated as such.
    • d!register
    Currently Supported:




    To add additional Bungie.net accounts be signed into those accounts and input: d!register

    2. d!help

    The help command provides you with:
    • Inputs
    • Explanations
    • Subcommands (if available)
    To see the list of all possible commands enter: d!help by itself.

    To see the help for any specific command enter: d!help followed by the command name.


    d!help lfg

    To see the help for any subcommand enter: d!help followed by the command name and subcommand.


    d!help lfg create

    In addition, these commands can be used to see information on Charlemagne (DestinyBot):
    • d!bugs: Provide a known issues list.
    • d!status: Provide Charlemagne's current version and uptime.

    3. d!pve

    • d!pve: Overall PVE stats, including time played, grimoire, and total raids completed.
    • d!last: View most recent activity stats.
    • d!faction: View current D2 faction levels (d!rep works as well).
    • d!vog: Vault of Glass completions and fastest run times.
    • d!crota: Crota’s End completions and fastest run times.
    • d!kingsfall: King’s Fall completions and fastest run times.
    • d!wotm: Wrath of the Machine completions and fastest run times.
    • d!lev: Leviathan completions and fastest run times.
    • d!nightfall: Displays information about the current weeks nightfall.

    4. d!trials

    • d!trials: All Trials of Osiris/Trials of the Nine stats from Trials.Report.
    • d!trials past: Provides historical trials stats.
    • d!trials map: Provides a call-out map for the current week.
      • Can be used with a map name to provide a call-out map for any of the current crucible maps. Ex: d!trials map pantheon
      • d!help trials map will provide available map list.
    • d!trials team: Provides a guardian's current Trials fireteam.
    • d!trials teammates: Provides top 5 Trials teammates.
      • Stats are for the requested player while playing with that teammate.
    • d!trials rivals: Provides top 5 Trials rivals
      • Stats are for the requested player while playing against that opponent.
    • d!trials weekly: Provides current weekly Trials stats.

    5. d!pvp

    • d!pvp: Provides an overall summary of PvP performance.
      • Use d!pvp mode to see specific stats where mode is replaced by the game type (Clash, Supremacy, Quickplay, etc)
    • d!last: View most recent activity stats.
    • d!ib: View overall Iron Banner stats.
      • Use d!ib mode to see specific stats where mode is replaced by the specific game type (Clash, Control, etc)
    • d!elo: Elo ratings from destinytracker.com for various game modes.
      • d!elo history: Past season Elo statistics
      • d!help elo will provide a list of valid game modes.

    6. d!rank

    • d!rank: Displays the clan/server leaderboard for a given user stat; also provides a link to web-based leaderboards.
    • d!help rank will provide a list of valid leaderboards.
    Note: Leaderboards are updated twice daily for all registered users. To update any particular stat immediately; enter the respective command.

    To update my total raid count I would enter: d!pve

    7. d!lfg

    Charlemagne (DestinyBot) has a Destiny-specific LFG module that helps guardians build and join groups to play their favorite activities.

    Type d!help lfg and d!help lfg create for more detailed information on how to use Charlemagne's LFG functionality.

    All LFG activities allow for an alert to be sent out to the fireteam members 10 minutes prior to the activity's start time.

    LFG Command List
    • d!lfg: Provides a list of all available LFG activities on a server.
      • This command helps you find, join, and leave LFG posts.
      • Please use the reactions that appear below as buttons.
    • d!lfg create: Helps you create a new LFG post for your server.
    • d!lfg join: Join an LFG post.
    • d!lfg leave: Leave an LFG post.
    • Must be the LFG post creator or server admin:
      • d!lfg kick: Kick a guardian from an LFG post.
      • d!lfg edit: Edit an existing LFG post.
      • d!lfg cancel: Cancel an LFG post.
      • d!lfg alert: Ping all joined guardians for LFG Post.

    8. d!loadout and d!collection

    • d!loadout: Shows the full loadout for your last played character.
      • d!loadout weapons: Show a summary of your equipped weapons.
      • d!loadout armor: Show a summary of your equipped armor.
      • d!loadout primary: Show detailed information on the primary weapon equipped.
      • d!loadout followed by any of your item slot names will return detailed information on the gear in that slot.
      • Loadout works for:
        • primary
        • special
        • heavy
        • helmet
        • gauntlets
        • chest
        • boots
        • ghost
        • artifact
        • ship
        • emblem
        • shader
        • emote
    • d!collection: Show a summary of missing kiosk items.
      • d!collection [item type] to see exactly what items you are missing (example: d!collection weapons)

    9. d!time

    • d!time: Breakdown of hours spent in Destiny.
    • d!countdown: Countdown until the Cabal invasion!
    • d!heatmap: Provides a link to your heatmap in Destiny.
    • d!status psn / xbox / battle.net gamertag: Provide what the guardian requested is currently playing or when they last logged in.
      • Ex:d!status Thronnos89

    10. d!book

    • d!book: Display the absolute completion % of the Age of Triumphs Record Book.
      • Provides the fastest nightfall time and book level.

    11. d!destiny

    Charlemagne (DestinyBot) will also provide access to Xgerhard’s excellent destiny command. A server Administrator can disable the d!destiny command by typing d!server destinycommand off.

    Check xgerhard’s website for a complete list of commands.

    All credit for the Charlemagne Discord Bot and for the majority of the information in this post goes to the fine developers over at https://warmind.io

    To add this bot to your own server follow this link HERE
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
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