
Daybreak Layoffs already. Dave Georgeson gone...

Discussion in 'Community News' started by Daphonic, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Dear Players, Partners & Friends,

    Last week we announced that we were acquired and are now operating independently as
    Daybreak Game Company. To better position our newly independent studio for future growth
    opportunities and to deliver on our legacy of making top online games, we have had to make
    some tough choices including realignment of resources.

    Unfortunately, this realignment means adjusting staffing as well. We announced today that we
    will eliminate positions in our San Diego and Austin studios. We deeply value our employees
    and never take these decisions lightly so we’ve done our best to do what’s right for the people
    affected. Although extremely difficult, these are necessary actions that will ultimately drive
    improved results and help strengthen our company’s foundation for success. Many of us are
    saying goodbye to close friends and colleagues who we’ve worked with over the years, and we
    are grateful for the memories and all that they’ve contributed. They will be greatly missed, and
    we wish them nothing but the best for the future.

    These reductions will not affect the operation of our current games and as mentioned above, will
    help better position our company for future success. As we move forward, we are committed to
    delivering the best online games and working side-by-side with our players to drive the future of
    our online games.

    Thank you for your continued support,
    The Daybreak Games Team

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