Greetings Guardians! Here is a current breakdown of all raid activities and scheduled events! Please note that group participants and running times are subject to change. Keep an eye on this thread for all the latest information! Clan Completion Group - will run Tuesday nights This will be a run to ensure that the clan as a whole gets the weekly powerful engram @Thronnos @B1acKxSouL @Coopidge treyzkush @Mini Goz @Bigcat101 @Skullgreed (replacement) Clan Raid Training We will be hosting Raid Training sessions over the weekends, these groups will be sign-up only (we will fill from Discord in the event of lack of participation) with the intent of spending sufficient time in each raid section so that everyone is comfortable (or at the very least knowledgeable) in all raid roles. Please note that completion is NOT the goal of these runs. We are of course, always on the lookout for skilled Sherpas to help us teach the clan! If you feel this is you, please reach out to any Destiny Staff member! Next Training Date - 10/14/2017 @Thronnos (Sherpa) MidgetRage Noob_Saibot Kraezin x x Following Training Date - 10/21/2017 @Thronnos (Sherpa) x x x x x TO SIGN UP PLEASE POST IN THIS THREAD THE TIMES YOU ARE AVAILABLE ON THE WEEKENDS AND WHAT YOUR DISCORD USERNAME IS. STAFF WILL SCHEDULE YOU AND REACH OUT TO YOU WITH YOUR TRAINING DAY. please note that as we get more Sherpas, more training runs will be available more frequently.
Kreazin here available every weekend from 21:00 european time.. sometimes earlier depending on rl activities
Sign me up for Next Training Date - 10/14/2017; Time? Im flexible, just give me a heads up. Im on US East Time or EDT